Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm almost all growed up I think

Daddy says I don't take good pictures.  But I think he doesn't take good pictures.  Yeah, I'm always on the go or squirming around, but hey, it's up to the photographer to capture the moment.

This is a lovely place to lounge in the late afternoon or after dinner.

I'm content for the most part.  Still learning the crazy rules around here.  "Don't pick that up", "Spit that out", "Drop it", "Sit", "Give me your paw" (yeah, like I have an extra one), "Get in the car", "Get out of the car", "Go to bed", "Play with your toy".  I haven't heard much bad talk lately, so I guess we're all getting used to each others quirks.  And my dads have some quirky quirks to be sure.

I pretty much know how the pee-pee and poopy routine works.  I walk back and forth, they open the door, I go out and do my thing, then I wait a few minutes and the door opens and I go in.  They keep saying "Go in the woods, go in the woods".  If they want me to go in the woods they best tell me which ones.  There are a lot of woods here.  Yeah, I'm just bustin' cuz I'm a bit lazy.

1 comment:

Stan said...

What a sweet looking dog. All three of you are so lucky to have found and have each other.