Thursday, February 21, 2013

Was Crusin' the Net...

And found this.  The difference between US and THEM. Our species is too cool.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Told You So

Told You So! - See my last post, below.  (I get it - I'm no dummy)

Last night when Daddy Leon got home my daddies decided that since I was such a good dog, I could use the new couch.  But I have to have my new bedspread and blanky under me so I don't get the new couch full of my fur.
Told You So!
My Spot - Claimed and Occupied
I heard that possession is nine tens of the law, whatever that means.  It means just try and get me to give up my new couch!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

I Get It - I'm No Dummy

Daddies got a new couch.  They both said they needed a new couch like they needed a hole in the bed.  Or a hole in their head or something.  So I guess that means they needed it bad.

Anyhow the old couch was mine.  I used to lay on it every day and every night when we watched the Tee Vee.  I took up the whole couch practically unless Daddy Frank wanted to share.  Then I would move over and share.

Well, they moved it out the other day and then later they brought in a new one.  It looks nice.  I put my chin on it but Daddies did not say "OK, come on," or "Hop up," or anything like that.

So I didn't get on the new couch.  Instead they brought me a big fluffy old bedspread that is real nice and put it down on the floor.  I laid on it and they seemed happy.  I might like the new couch but I haven't been invited yet.

Today, both daddies had to go out.  Daddy Frank covered the couch with a big sheet.  I heard him say they were going to be gone most of the day and they figured that I would take my chance to try out the couch.  Daddy Frank is smart.  He put the sheet on real tight and smooth so that if I hopped on, he would see the wrinkles and know what I did.

But, I'm a good dog.  I get it.  I understand more than they think I do.  They must think I'm like other doggies who are sneaky and do things when no one is looking.  Kitties do that -those cat types are real sneaky.  Some doggies do that too.  But They under-estimate me.  For cryin' out loud, I do this here blog, so I'm no dummy.

Anyhow, Daddy Frank got home first.  He saw the couch and the sheet was just like he left it.

He said, "Benni, you are such a good boy.  I'm so proud of you.  You are so special."  and he was real proud of me and happy.  He said, "Come on, let's go to the doggie park for a nice hike through the woods in the snow."

So we went for a long walk and I got to play with a bunch of other doggies.  We came home and I ate dinner, now I am lounging on the floor, on my big fluffy bedspread.

But, if you want to know the truth, it's only a matter of time before they say - and it will be Daddy Frank I bet - before they say, "OK, Benni, hop up."  Then I'll get to lay on the couch and that will set a president.  Then there'll be no stopping me after that.

I am good.  Life is good.  Ruff.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fun in the Sun and Snow

I been cooped up for days.  We went out today and finally had some fun.  It was kinda warm and that made it even more fun to play and wrestle in the snow with my bff Katja.

But first I had to tell Katja that I felt bad that she lost her brother Kolja who died during the big snow storm.  He was 14.

Then I thought, "Life is Short" so lets play.  And we did.
Handsome Me Again
With My Mardi Gras Bandanas

We like to play Stick Tug of War sometimes.  We both win when we each get half.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I ate chicken Gizzards and I heard Daddies talk about this blizzard.  Sounds the same, but boy are they different.  This one means LOTS of SNOW!  This morning I didn't want to go out.
What happened here?
I couldn't find a spot to pee or do my business this morning.  That Blizzard stuff was too deep.
Helping Daddy

Neither Snow nor sleet...but Blizzards mean no mail
But if you wait a little while these trails appear mir-ac-lously just like that - usually in back of daddy and the big loud machine that I really don't like.
A path appeared up into the back yard so I can do business
That thing is what's called a "Dog House" -
silly - I live in the big house

Helping shovel
Here I am playing on the snow pile and running with my stick.