Saturday, September 28, 2013

Smooching Under the Table With My Girlfriend

Katija and me stopped at a sidewalk cafe after our walk in the park. They say sidewalk cafes are romantic so I took the opportunity to make out with my best girlfriend. Kind of like Paris or dad said more like Lady and the Tramp. He said next time we can order a plate of spaghetti to share.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

More of me on vacation. Dog in the Dunes.

Some good t-shirts:

I rode in the back of the pick-up.

 Love the beach.

They wrote a book about me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Finally We Got to Go to the Beach

Finally this summer we got to the beach. It was a long ride and we got stuck in traffics. Finally we got to PeeTown and we passed by the doggie park and I got excited. But daddy Leon kept driving!
Dad, You passed the doggie park!!!!
Dad Leon driving by the doggie park
But we got to camp and set everything up and I had lunch and then we went to the beach.
They say getting there is half the fun
Well, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard
The fun is finding a bud to play with at the beach

But, to tell the truth, I miss my girlfriend Katija
I also went swimming - fetching sticks is my favorite thing to do in the water. Then I just chew on them a bit.
Me, relaxing with a stick
Hey, Bud, catch me if you can
So we been here now for almost a week and I been to the beach and the doggie park and went for a walk through the town. Now I got irr-tated paws. You know that sand is rough on the tender parts between my toes. I gots web feet cuz I'm a swimming dog. But the sand is rough. I'm taking a day off from the beach. 'sides it's cloudy today and not a good beach day.

I'll be catching some rays tomorrow though, and going for a another nice swim in the salty water.

Monday, September 2, 2013

My First BooBoo

This morning I went outside and when I came back there was little red spots on the floor and when I hopped into daddies' bed I got little red spots on the sheets.  Daddy Frank said "UhOh." Then he looked at all my paws. He said, "There it is." I had a cut on my paw. So he cleaned it out with peroxide and ant biotic oinment and bandaged it up. Now what did I do wrong to deserve a bandage wrapped around my foot? Dog gone, that was annoying.

Thank goodness that thing fell off. But daddy bandaged me up AGAIN! Then that fell off. The third one stayed on for a while, but daddy saw it was getting loose and took it off.

Jeeze, I'm no sissy dog. I don't need no bandage. It was just a little cut. But daddy didn't want little red spots all over the floor and carpet. Thank dog, it stopped bleeding, so things are OK now - no bandage!