Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Finally We Got to Go to the Beach

Finally this summer we got to the beach. It was a long ride and we got stuck in traffics. Finally we got to PeeTown and we passed by the doggie park and I got excited. But daddy Leon kept driving!
Dad, You passed the doggie park!!!!
Dad Leon driving by the doggie park
But we got to camp and set everything up and I had lunch and then we went to the beach.
They say getting there is half the fun
Well, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard
The fun is finding a bud to play with at the beach

But, to tell the truth, I miss my girlfriend Katija
I also went swimming - fetching sticks is my favorite thing to do in the water. Then I just chew on them a bit.
Me, relaxing with a stick
Hey, Bud, catch me if you can
So we been here now for almost a week and I been to the beach and the doggie park and went for a walk through the town. Now I got irr-tated paws. You know that sand is rough on the tender parts between my toes. I gots web feet cuz I'm a swimming dog. But the sand is rough. I'm taking a day off from the beach. 'sides it's cloudy today and not a good beach day.

I'll be catching some rays tomorrow though, and going for a another nice swim in the salty water.

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