My daddies took me to Rock River today. We didn't hike all the way in cuz I can't swim yet and to get to the good beach I gotta swim across. There was some parts that were scary and slippery and I slid off the rocks.
I'm not too sure about this thing they call water
But I like to drink it
Me frolicking in the river.
And I met a new friend. I think his name is Ben too. Ben Aflak, or something like that, daddy called him.
He went into the water and floated around. I wonder if I can do that. Dad says it is a developmental (that's a big word) thing ... and one day I'll just take to the water, just without even thinking twice about it.
Ben Aflak is one cool duck.
Me resting up for the hike back.
Hiking back with Daddy Frank.
Daddy Leon calls me "brave".
Could we stop for a hot dog?
Vermont is a cool place
They build bridges to get across water, then they take out the old one and put in a new one.
This is what I had to look at while daddies ate dinner.