Monday, January 17, 2011


I love my teacher. She is nice. I am going to miss her. She always carries around treats and hands them out when you do stuff.

Tonight was my last day of school and I got my diploma.  I gragerated.  I passed all the tests the teacher gave me.  Sit, stay, down, walk, give it back, walk with another person, having my paws and ears touched, and a bunch of other things.  It was easy!  I was bored a little and I want to go to middle school and high school and college next.  Maybe I'll study to be a therapist.

 There's something going on over there

 No big deal

 Posing with Daddy Leon

 My diploma

 My proud Dads


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Benni! Passing AKC S.T.A.R. is a big deal. Unfortunately training is boring at times, practice and lots of repetition helps to get thru the teenage stage of puppyhood. I look forward to seeing all of you in class again soon. --Susan (aka the Trainer)

Frank said...

Thank you Teach! I had a real good time at school and learned a lot. - Benni.