Friday morning August 6th, 2021 Benni and I walked the trails in town
with his pack: Guiness, Sky, Buddy, Tulley, Ari, Tommy, Buddy2, and the
neighbors who are regular morning dog-walkers: Denise, the"Treat Lady",
Heather, "Treat Lady #2", Larry, Susanne, Cindi, Bill.
was slow, (see previous posts about his condition: degenerative
myelopathy) but kept pace with the pack. Back home he was settled for a
long nap as is his habit. I had errands to do in town and got back
around 2pm. I took him out to pee and he was a bit wobbly. When Leon got
home around 3:30pm Benni stumbled in the driveway when he went out to
greet his Daddy.
said to Leon, "Maybe he's a bit stiff from napping all day." We both
thought that was the case and rubbed Benni's back thighs. But Benni was
having some difficulties. A short while later Benni fell down while
eating his dinner. His hind legs just gave out. And his 110 pounds of
weight very likely caused physical injury to his leg(s) because when we
tried to get him up he whimpered in pain. (Up until that point he hadn't
showed any signs of pain. Pain is generally not a symptom of
degenerative myelopathy.)
We called the Vet immediately and was given an appointment for the next morning, Saturday, August 7th.
was then that I posted a request for a doggie wheelchair on "Nextdoor" -
a neighborhood social media platform. We were thinking that Benni might
be able to get around with a device but by later Friday night that
possibility seemed very unrealistic.
could barely get Benni out to pee before bedtime and we arranged a
number of old towels on and around his bed in anticipation of bowel or
bladder accidents. He had been pooping in his sleep for several weeks
and often times during the day he would head toward his doggie door but
not quite make it. It seemed that my life was revolving around poop.
around 2:00am Benni got himself up and came over to my side of the bed -
something he might do in the morning when we were waking up, but never
did in the wee hours. It broke my heart. I gave him some love and rubs
and scratches on his head and neck and he went to lay down on the
and I were awake at 4:00am and I said, "It's about time for Benni to
poop." (he had been unable to control his bowels for several weeks and
he seemed to have to go between 4:00 and 5:00am). We moved the big guy
onto a towel and sure enough, there was soon a nice solid (thank
goodness) turd to dispose of.
bit later Saturday morning Leon and I got Benni into the car. The two
of us could barely lift his 110 pounds of dead weight. We drove the 35
miles to the Vet.
vet assistants and Dr. D. attended us as soon as we arrived. We knew in
our hearts what the outcome would be. The vet confirmed that dogs at
this stage of the disease would often injure themselves by falling and
then become unable to get around. She gently and compassionately
suggested that Benni was telling us that he was no longer physically
able to be either independent or to be cared for.
was still alert, aware. And this fact made our decision all the ore
difficult. He was still, as always, ready for a snack. The vet assistant
gave him some treats and he soon polished off the entire contents of
the packet.
vet let us spend some time alone with Benni - Leon, Benni and Frank. We
cried and told him goodbye. We hugged him and petted him and hugged him
some more.
vet and assistant returned to the room and shaved a spot on his leg for
the IV. Benni was quiet, peaceful, calm as he awaited the injections.
It was over so quickly, so finally, so irretrievably. Leon and I sobbed.
we returned home, the post about the wheelchair became Benni's obituary
of sorts. And the comments of our friends and neighbors on "Nextdoor"
are perhaps the best memorial to our beloved Benedict - a name that
means "blessed" or "blessing". Benni was probably the only dog in the
neighborhood that regularly walked without a leash most of the time. So
many neighbors knew him by name.
ME: Doggie wheelchair Just wondering if anyone has a doggie wheelchair that. will
fit a 100-pound dog. Our Benni just took a turn for the worse and we
are barely able to get him up. Concerned that we won't be able to get
him moving to do his business. We have an appointment with the vet in
the morning.
Posted in: Ask a Neighbor
Don J.
Awwww! Poor Bennie. Did you look on line? Also ask Gary T if he could build you something he loves that kind of challenge
Keep us posted.💕🐕🙏
a towel under his chest as a sling! Lift him up and you basically have
to haul him around. Had to do it for my Riley, they will go to the
bathroom 💕💕💕I am so sorry
Sure hope the vet can do him some good😕 Give Benni our best 🥰
I don't but I will send Bennie happy puppy thoughts so he feels better
Sylvie E.
Hope Bennie and you have a peaceful night and that the vet can help. Sending love and blessings 💕🐶💕💞🐾
have a lift with handles, easier than a towel and same idea. Had to use
it on Gracie. Also try Marketplace on FB and check on the Santa Fe BB
and ask. Hugs to Benni and his dads. Peace to you both.
Perhaps we could borrow that tomorrow morning in order to get him into
the car to the vet. We used a blanket tonight to take him out to P. It
was not easy. He doesn’t want to put any weight on his hind legs and is
reluctant to move his front legs as well. We’re thinking that we may
have to decide to put him down tomorrow at the vet. The thing is that
his mind is alert and he still enjoys eating and his treats. But there’s
no way we can even move him easily let alone taking him out to do
thought - my sister's dog wasn't moving, and was stressing (he's a 12
yr old lab), and she was thinking that they were close to the end, and
she got some CBD treats to try, and he's a changed pup. He stopped
stressing, and she is able to take him out again. Just thought I'd
share. Hugs to all of you 💕
what time in the morning are you going? I have the lift right here. Just give me a call and I’ll run it over.
Cyndi G
lift sounds like one of the harnesses I saw that allows you to support
the dog’s weight. Hope it will help with carrying Benni. Bill & I
have an appt. in Albuquerque tomorrow AM, so we won’t be in town to help
but send love & are keeping you in our thoughts. I did read that to
get a large dog in the car, with paralyzed or painful limbs, they
recommend you put the pet’s front paws on the seat, then help lift the
rear end, so they are able to get up more easily. I suspect you &
Leon have tried a few things & hope for ease tomorrow. Maybe a fire
dept. volunteer or another neighbor could help you with the lifting?
(And the dog wheelchair is a good idea - stories we’ve seen are
heart-warming, if mobility is the main problem.)💕🐾
Cyndi G. Thanks for your concern. One of our neighbors offered to help
and the vet office said they would help when we arrive. We are prepared
for letting him go after the difficult night we’ve all had. Thanks
ME: Elizabeth. We will talk to the vet about that. Thanks
I'm so sorry, Frank 💔 Lots of love to Benni💗
Tina F.
I have a sling that I used on my 100 pound dog. Give me a call...
you for the kind offer. I think will be able to get him into the car
this morning. I’m not optimistic about his return. Thanks
Tina F.
thinking of you.
have a wheelchair that I made for my Ashen, but could never get him to
use. He was about 60 pounds, so I don't know if it will fit, but you are
welcome to it. If it doesn't fit, my offer stands for anyone with that
size dog.
ME:Thank you for the kind offer. I think he is beyond the point where a wheelchair would help.
Frank so sorry. Don’t have any doggie handicapped equipment.
ME: Thank
you all for your kind words support and offers to help. I think he is
beyond the point where a wheelchair will be of any help. We will see
after consulting with the vet this morning. Thanks again.
Sorry he's having a hard time. Hope things go well for him and you. ❤
Frank and Leon, I’m so sorry to hear that Benni is struggling. He’s such a sweet and kind guy. My heart is with all of you. 💗
are with you and your faithful sidekick. The loss of his companionship
will seem unbearable at first but then remember the wonderful life he
enjoyed because of you.
What’s the latest on Benni?
ME: We
said goodbye to Benni this morning. It was a difficult decision but the
vet confirmed that he no longer had control of his body. Thanks for
your concern. We miss him so much.
so sorry to hear of your loss. Of course you will be missing your
Benni, but it sounds like you made the only choice possible.
the decision is so hard to do but watching them suffer is worse. So for
those of us who love our furry friends so much make the difficult
choice. He will be missed but he was truly loved. So sorry for your loss
of your dear friend Benni. Bill, Melody, Hooper and Chico
So very sorry, Frank and Leon. It’s just hard to say goodbye to our furry family members.💝
heart goes out to you and Leon. Even though we know it is the right and
best choice for the baby we love, having to put them down is hard and
our heart still hurts. May Benni be running and playing like a puppy in
So sorry guys. He had a great life with you all. His spirit is running free🌈
So sorry for this loss.
Oh dear. Benni was such a good boy. Really sorry to hear this. Hope you 2 are okay.
So sorry for your loss.
Frank and Leon, I know your pain but I also know that you made the
right decision for Benni. He's running around in doggie heaven right now
and thanking you two for giving him a wonderful, loving life here on
earth. Bless his soul. diane
ME: Thank You All. To
our wonderful neighbors in Cochiti Lake: So many of you have expressed
your condolences and thoughtfulness after an inquiry about a doggie
wheel chair became a notice of our Benni’s passing. We were amazed at
the number of messages we received on Nextdoor and text/email messages
over the past two days. We are truly grateful for all of your support.
Please forgive us for not thanking each of you individually or in person
as we pass you in the street or mail room. I have never been good at
remembering names or connecting names to the faces they belong to; and
this is more true as I get older. It is often embarrassing not to be
able to greet a neighbor by name, so please do not be offended if I
don’t thank you personally for your kindnesses. (I would love if we all
wore name-tags when walking around town!) All of your notes and messages
during this sad event has demonstrated how special are the folks who
live in Cochiti Lake. We are grateful for and appreciative of your
friendship and heartfelt words. Thank you all.
Love you guys 😍
Suzanne G
Condolences on your loss of a beloved family member. Benni was so lucky to have such loving parents. 💕
Michael L.
deepest condolences over the loss of your Benni. May you both know only
peace and no further grief all the rest of your days.
I am so sorry that Benni is gone. He sure was such a sweet dog and will be truly missed.
Frank and Leon so sorry to hear of the passing of Benni. Our dogs are our family members and bets friends and companions.
Frank and Leon...I am so sorry to read about Bennie. These dogs are definitely family, and it is so hard to lose them.
I'm sad to learn of this. He had a kind ,warm spirit. He will be missed. He had loving parents
Wendy M
and Leon - Benni will truly be missed by all of us who were blessed to
know him. His was a very gentle spirit - you knew when you met him that
he was deeply loved. He was the only black dog that my Daisy would have
anything to do with! May you find comfort in your memories of him. Peace
to you.