Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Big Storm - Big Fun

I don't know what is going on but it's just a little bit chilly at home.  There are buckets of water in the bath tub and a machine in the driveway that makes noise.  I bark at it when daddy pulls the cord and makes it start.  I do that with the lawn mower too.

Daddies say we're in survival mode since the other day, when the 'lectricity went out.  What-ever.  When the machine in the driveway is going we have TV and lights.  Otherwise it is dark and cold.

I remember the white cold stuff from last year - snow, it's called, and it is fun.  I know there are some really big sticks that fell out of the trees cuz of the snow.  I can't wait to get my teeth on them.

I think it is the snow that got daddies all in a fluster.  Gosh, they been busy hauling buckets of water to the bathroom and the stove and putting food outside in the snow and doing other silly stuff.

The other day I met Denali and another buddy at the doggie park.  We ran through the snow and played.

This snow is FUN!  I don't mind the cold at all.  Just like the big furry sled dogs.  I bet I could pull a sled too.

1 comment:

Stan said...

Have a fun but safe winter Benni. I think this is going to be a rough one.